Just to Clarify, You’ll Want To Clarify (Your Natural Hair)

Someone needed a dose of her own medicine. My hair was screaming for clarification and I completely ignored the signs because I was convinced- despite displaying all of the signs below- that my hair was rebelling from the products I was using. I was inspired to write this post based on my own failure in listening to my hair, so I decided to to clear the air and share a gentle reminder~ your hair will love you back when you clarify. Listen to your hair!

Tell tale signs it may be time to clarify:

1.    Your hair is not responding consistently to products you usually use.

2.    Your hair has lost its shine/luster/sparkle/swag and now appears dry or dull.

3.    You cowash often and apply products daily.

4.    You avoid sulfates like the plague.

5.    Your hair is considered “low porosity.”  (Not sure? Don’t worry, the awesome Elle breaks it down here.)


Benefits of clarifying your hair:

1.    Removing product build up and residue promotes a healthier scalp, which in turn keeps a healthy balance of sebum production and hair growth.

2.    Shiny hair.

3.    Increased moisture retention. Think of product build up  as a blanket that literally lays on top of your hair. Moisture is blocked from getting in and penetrating your strands, which only creates layers upon layers of residue on your hair. The result is that dry, dull hair you may be experiencing.

4.    Better product absorption and performance. After you clarify, your hair isn’t coated with products, mineral deposits, or silicones- which allows your products to actually penetrate your hair shaft and perform optimally.


How to Clarify:

Here is the controversial part. Some naturals stick to natural methods of clarification like baking soda and water (followed by apple cider vinegar), castille soap, or Bentonite Clay (I’ll be posting about my experience with this soon). Others are fine with a clarifying shampoo/conditioner or a chelating shampoo. Just searching “clarify natural hair” on the net will bring up at least 50,856 posts on the best methods to clarify. In my personal experience, I’ve had the best luck with using a clarifying shampoo such as the Neutrogena Anti-Residue or mixing a bit of baking soda with the Vo5 Clarifying Conditioner. Because I only clarify one a month at most, I am fine with using  ingredients that some may consider harsh. This is the only time I would potentially use sulfates in my hair regimen. I would love to experiment with new ways to clarify my hair, but because its not a method I incorporate in my weekly hair routine, taking the time to research products often falls through the cracks.

How do you clarify?
