DIY: Natural All Purpose Cleaner with Vinegar and Fruit Peels

DIY: Natural All Purpose Cleaner with Vinegar and Fruit Peels

“Natural” has been the buzzword in my home lately. I have little lungs, eyes, nose, ears and fingers to protect… and the thought of chemicals and toxins interfering with baby girl’s flourishing health and development kills me.

Oddly enough…It wasn’t until I had J that I started truly appreciating the possibility of chemical free cleaning. In the past, I would experiment here and there with concoctions and potions, but eventually throw in the towel and revert back to my sudsy toxins.

One day as I was leaving J’s playgroup, I overheard one of the lactation teachers saying that she uses vinegar as an all purpose cleaner, and it sparked a familiar plug.  (For as long as I can remember, my mom has been praising the cleaning powers of vinegar; both white distilled and apple cider vinegar.) Hearing this, I was eager to revisit my DIY cleaner, and I’m so happy I’m re-embracing it!

Here’s what I did:

1.    Cut 2-3 lemons and limes and 4-5 oranges (?) and peel them carefully. It was easier to cut them into quarters and peel. *I chose lemon/lime thyme (1 sprig used) for the first scent, and orange for the second.

2.    Place the peels in empty spaghetti sauce jars (also an idea I got from mom) and pour in enough vinegar (I used white distilled) to cover the peels. I labeled the jars with the date to ensure I allowed a steep time of at least two weeks.

3.   After your mixture has been sitting for at least two weeks and you’re ready to use it, pour the liquid (only) into plastic spray bottles for convenience, and enjoy your cleaning remix!

FYI, the cleaner works just as well sans fruit peels if you prefer no fragrance. Don’t let the vinegar intimidate you… the smell will dissipate a few minutes after contact. 

I’m so glad I rediscovered this clean alternative. Thanks mom!



  1. August 2, 2014 / 8:06 pm

    I love using vinegar to clean just about anything but my rookie always complains about the smell! I can’t wait to try this with orange and lemon. I found this through the SITS DIY link up 🙂 Happy weekend!

    • Jen.
      August 2, 2014 / 9:27 pm

      Thank you for reading Sarah!! Agreed, the smell of vinegar is pungent, so the fruit peels really work wonders. Apple cider vinegar works great too! Thank you for stopping by, I LOVE SITS!