A Young Black Woman and a Journey to Self Discovery

A Young Black Woman and a Journey to Self Discovery

It happened and I did it.  Fall came and Jen lost her inspiration.  It happened so quickly, it’s still hard to believe at times.  Relocating to another city.  Enrolling in grad school.  Starting a new job. Meeting new people.  Losing myself. But it happened, and I did it.

It’s usually around this time every year that I, like most Americans, begin to reflect on the year behind me and what lies ahead for the one approaching.  I hate New Years resolutions, and I seldom make them, but those self reflecting moments always haunt me as such opportune times. So it is here and now that I am faced with a few relevant truths. One- HE is not finished with me yet.  I’ve done so much growing in the past few months.  I’ve moved to another city- though initially with backwards intentions- for a fresh start. Now in month 4 of my “new life” I am beginning to realize that perhaps there is reasoning far from random, as to why He chose to bring me here.  Two- I REALLY love writing. This is the first time since my move that I have made the effort to sit down and place my scattered thoughts somewhere, other than my mind. It feels great and I had forgotten how much I love doing so.  In juggling school, work, and getting adjusted to my new enviornment amongst homesickness (<–a word?), I had neglected to take time out for the one thing that keeps me sane. My writing. I had been lost in the shuffle of writing articles and preparing projects for school so much, that just as expected, I had lost my inspiration, motivation, and drive for creative expression.  Blogging and taking pictures went from a method of alleviating stress, to causing it… and that alone set off mixed emotions of depression, confusion, and carelessness. I’ve been afraid to re-commit to writing and blogging, in fear I’d have nothing new to say. Nothing to relate to. No relevant information as a former natural who no longer lives overseas. “What would I write about?” The one word answer I was given today? “LIFE.” And so I shall. Three- This is the year of great things. Pause. Yes, we’ve heard this before. A cliche expression used by most people followed by an extragavant list of New Years Resolutions. But for Jen, this is a fact.  As I write, I’m making a mental checklist of things to plan for in the next year. Though I know much excitement lies ahead, I am most excited about the here and now.  Because after months of hiding… Jen has returned!!

*Brushes shoulders off* I guess I got my swagga back! 
