Moonlight Multi-tasking and Mommy Time

natural hair bloggers, bad hair day, natural hair,

Its 1am, do you know where your mommy is? Probably not sleeping. Mommies never sleep.

This strange thing happened when I became a mother- I became quite the insomniac. Even when J goes down for bed, I find myself frantically cleaning, putting things away, cleaning, and by the time I’m done taking care of home sometimes I’m too exhausted to take care of myself. But sometimes, I enjoy the fireworks. Sure, I could throw caution to the wind and just go to bed early and get some much needed rest- but that would only double my work for the following night, and when that happens nobody wins.

J recently changed her bedtime to an hour earlier and I swear it felt like daylight savings time for a minute. Another hour? Yes please! Although I actually only get a good one or two hours each night to do something that I want to do, it feels good to be able to sit down and write without little fingers banging on my computer keys, or stretch and walk around without hands slapping my feet or trying to eat my toes. Yep, all the little things I once took for granted are the things that keep me up at night.

I don’t know how long this crazy balance beam will hold, but this moonlight mommy time seems to be working for now.

They had it all wrong. The freaks don’t come out at night, the mommies do.
