I’m so excited to be building my collection of natural/organic products and these are some of the products I’ve started with. (Aside from my oils, and DIY practices that I’ve been using for years.) Though this isn’t a “haul”, these are true products I’ve been using to date and I can’t wait to try and share more finds!
I hope you enjoy this video loves. I wanted to keep it as light and natural as possible, in light of my purpose of making these lifestyle changes. The frightful truth is, choosing to use products laden with toxins, chemicals and parabens makes us susceptible to cancer and other serious health risks, and that is not something I am going to allow my family to be vulnerable to. I am making an effort to make cleaner, healthier changes for myself and my family because our health is all that we have. For more information about parabens and your health, I absolutely urge you to do your research, just as I’m continuing to do so.
Featured Products:
Crystal Essence Mineral Deodorant (Chamomile and Green Tea)
Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle Body Wash
Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Toothpaste
Dr. Bronner’s Castille Soap (Peppermint)
Are you using anything natural or organic in your beauty regimen? Share your favorites with me!