An Ode to the Shower Cap

natural hair, curly hair, hair accessory

My shower cap is by far my hair’s favorite natural hair accessory at the moment. It has taken my hair health to a whole ‘nother level and I don’t want to imagine where my hair would be without it. Covering my hair with a shower cap then wrapping it in a turban, towel, or scarf is my fool proof method of ensuring maximum hydration, product penetration, and moisture retention in my curls, and I LOVE it.

1.    I use it to help plump and revive my hair from the night before (After steam from the hot shower has hit it, spray a little water, apply moisturizer, and allow it to do its think via the greenhouse method).

2.    I use it to deep condition and pre-poo my hair. My hair is on TEN when I incorporate this bad boy!

3.    I even use it to cover my hair on days when I just don’t want to be bothered with it. Yes, I suffer from those days. When I uncover my hair, I’m met with soft tendrils that are singing from the moisture boost.

natural hair, curls, deep condition


What is your favorite hair accessory?
