Side Swept (Flat Twist) Updo |Hair of the Day

sideswept updo, flat twist, natural hair, natural hair blog, coily hair, the little in jen that could blog, natural hair styles, protective styles

September 21, 2016. No fancy pictorial or tutorial today boos, just a simple “hair of the day” post. This style came off the top of the dome, when I began styling my hair and realized how much I hated one side. Enter the side swept 80’s (flat twist) updo.

Products used:

Camille Rose Naturals Curl Love Moisture Milk

Blueberry Bliss Curl Control Jelly by Curls

My hair was styled on an old wash and go. Previous products used were As I Am Leave in conditioner and Camille Rose Naturals Almond Jai Twisting Butter

sideswept updo, flat twist, natural hair, natural hair blog, coily hair, the little in jen that could blog, natural hair styles, protective styles

sideswept updo, flat twist, natural hair, natural hair blog, coily hair, the little in jen that could blog, natural hair styles, protective styles

sideswept updo, flat twist, natural hair, natural hair blog, coily hair, the little in jen that could blog, natural hair styles, protective styles

sideswept updo, flat twist, natural hair, natural hair blog, coily hair, the little in jen that could blog, natural hair styles, protective styles
sideswept updo, flat twist, natural hair, natural hair blog, coily hair, the little in jen that could blog, natural hair styles, protective styles

sideswept updo, flat twist, natural hair, natural hair blog, coily hair, the little in jen that could blog, natural hair styles, protective styles


New Series! Curly Care Conversations: Protective Styling

New Series! Curly Care Conversations: Protective Styling

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Dry Detangling on the Go?

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