How To: Make the Most of Your Self Care Regimen

Hi loves! I have an important question for you. How do you take care of yourself? You may have a spa day here or there but how do you really make the most of your self care regimen?

Check out the video below to see a few of my favorite ways to relax and enjoy my alone time. Bonus: When you are doing your at home facials, use a skin care roller or face massager with your favorite oil to really get the full effects of product absorption and moisture retention. Skincare doesn’t always have to be a part of your self care regimen but when you do… treat it!

I thank you for watching and I hope you’re able to take the time to do something for yourself, by yourself today!




Tips for the Natural With No Time

Tips for the Natural With No Time

For the natural with no time, I would say– do not give up. At times it may seem as though balancing a home life, a career, and your personal needs is an uphill battle, and…

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