New Series! Curly Care Conversations: Protective Styling

I’m pretty excited to launch the first video of the “Curly Care Conversations” series that I’ve created, because I think we definitely need more of them. I want to hear from you, so please, please chime in!

First up, is my love-hate relationship with protective styling. Is protective styling a must in your healthy hair journey? How do you feel about it? Do tell!



Curly Hair 101: Tips for Healthy Natural Hair

Curly Hair 101: Tips for Healthy Natural Hair

Water is everything! So many people stress the importance of consuming water to maintain a healthy body, skin, and hair– but I think just as much emphasis should be placed on water ON your hair.…

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Are Natural Hair Bloggers Allowed a Bad Hair Day?

Are Natural Hair Bloggers Allowed a Bad Hair Day?

I’ve been thinkin’, I’ve been thinkin’… *Beyonce voice*. Serious question here- Does being a natural hair blogger mean that your hair should always be on point? Are natural hair bloggers allowed a bad hair day? Should…

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