Pills and Potions…For Hair Health


I’m a firm believer that there is no pill that will grow your hair. Yes, hairfinity, I just went there. I do, however, think vitamins are essential to helping your body perform optimally- along with proper diet and exercise of course. Over the past few weeks I’ve learned that vitamins should be regarded as complimentary, and nothing more.

My Summer Grow Out Challenge has reminded me that “too much of a good thing” is such an under rated concept. Just two weeks ago, I was popping a prenatal vitamin, omega 3, B complex and a Hair, Skin, and Nail supplement. The side effects of vitamin overload started rearing its ugly head immediately. I started to breakout on my jawline and forehead (perhaps the high levels of Biotin) and the color and odor of my urine packed a powerful punch. It was time for a readjustment. 
After hours of research and comparison, I discovered that my prenatal vitamins (and a Fish oil supplement) are sufficient enough to work wonders of their own. My takeaway is that while there is no hair growth in a bottle, there are vitamins that aid in overall health and benefiting the way your body performs. THIS is what leads to hair growth.
At the end of the day, I’m in no position to recommend a supplement. If you’re unsure of where to begin, I recommend starting with a good multi-vitamin. As with anything, I challenge you to do your research and always rely on proper nutrition and exercise as your numero uno health supply!

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