How To: Make the Most of Your Self Care Regimen

Hi loves! I have an important question for you. How do you take care of yourself? You may have a spa day here or there but how do you really make the most of your self care regimen?

Check out the video below to see a few of my favorite ways to relax and enjoy my alone time. Bonus: When you are doing your at home facials, use a skin care roller or face massager with your favorite oil to really get the full effects of product absorption and moisture retention. Skincare doesn’t always have to be a part of your self care regimen but when you do… treat it!

I thank you for watching and I hope you’re able to take the time to do something for yourself, by yourself today!




Post Partum Shedding on Natural Hair: How I Survived (and you will too)

Post Partum Shedding on Natural Hair: How I Survived (and you will too)

In July I posted about my experience with post partum shedding, in which I vented about losing my hair after having my son.  Now that THAT ship is farther off in the distance, I thought it…

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