Tips for the Natural With No Time

natural hair blog, natural hair, hair tips, naturally curly, natural hair tips, time management

For the natural with no time, I would say– do not give up. At times it may seem as though balancing a home life, a career, and your personal needs is an uphill battle, and it’s a continuous cycle of re-prioritizing and compromise. I get that, and I live that. What I’m learning now is that there is a way to maintain a healthy hair regimen without having hours upon hours to dedicate to it. My first tip, above all would be to forget about having a schedule, and listen to your hair. Wait, I’ll explain.

natural hair blog, natural hair, hair tips, naturally curly, natural hair tips, time management

1.  Listen to your hair. I know this is a rule of thumb that I’ve praised time and time again, but that’s because it is an absolute way to keep yourself sane. When we have these set in stone schedules that we follow and we aren’t able to execute them, it’s so easy to fall victim to the domino effect (everything goes downhill from there) and overwhelm ourselves in guilt. I know this feeling all too well. If you are following a specific routine, concentrate on the consistency, rather than the date on the calendar. Does that make sense? For example, I went from washing my hair every Sunday to washing my hair once a week, when possible. This made a world of difference for me because I found that I was able to spend more time with my family and household responsibilities on Sundays, and delegate another day for washing my hair. This day fluctuates and could very well be Sunday one week and Monday the next, but it helps me have more control of my free time when I have less priorities with specific deadlines.

2. A HUGE game changer for me was using heat in my deep conditioning routine. But Lord knows I don’t always have the time to sit under a hooded dryer for 30-45 minutes. Have you tried heating up your conditioner? You get the benefits of having the heat activated conditioning session, but you aren’t committing to being immobile for what seems like eons. This method is a Godsend. Now, I will say that putting your conditioner in the microwave is controversial since it can lose its nutrients/potency, so I usually place it in a glass container (like a mason jar) and then place it in a boiling pot of water. After about 30 seconds, it should be warm enough to use. (Always test the temperature before applying it to your hair or scalp.) If this method is a little iffy for you, don’t forget about the baggy method. All you need is a shower cap and something to wrap your hair in (a towel, a turban, etc.)– the heat from your scalp will warm the conditioner.

3. Try styling in larger sections. Again, a game changer for me. When I went from styling my wash in go in small sections to styling in halves or no sections at all, I drastically reduced my styling time. That is precious time I gained back. Not to mention, it looked better using this method anyways. 

4. Rearrange your cabinet space and stay organized. Little changes make such a difference for me. These days I’m lucky if I get a shower or bathroom break to myself. But when I do, having every hair product I plan to use in the same area shaves a few seconds off of my styling time. Enough small changes like that and I’ve saved a bit of time, allowing me to breeze through my hair care routine. I’ve also started keeping my satin scarf under my pillow because I would spend hours each week looking for it. That damn scarf was always lost! Keeping it in the same every night is a legit time saver.

5. Change your mentality. It’s crazy to think that even when we do have time, if we see something as a check on our “to-do” list, it may bring upon more stress or anxiety than it should. How are you approaching wash day? Is it a daunting task or a spa treatment? When I went from dreading wash day to looking forward to it, things changed for me. Now wash day is my retreat. If I’m not filming or writing while my daughter naps, I’ll enjoy a long, hot shower while Sade or 90s R&B plays on Pandora. That’s my opportunity to really enjoy my alone time, and indulge in my hair treatment. Its such a stress reliever, and it reminds me that with all of the things I have to do, you still deserve to slow down and do something for yourself

The last thing you deserve is to neglect any aspects of your hair care regimen because of your busy lifestyle. Every avenue of your life is given attention and your hair deserves it too. You deserve it. Whether you are a busy mom, a busy college student, a busy career enthusiast, a busy astronaut, or all of the above, just remember that where there is a will, there is a way. Try changing your will!

What are your tips for the natural with no time?


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